A wife recently brought a proceeding before Judge Anthony J. Falanga in the Supreme Court located in Nassau County. She claimed in this proceeding the 1998 prenuptial agreement she executed should be set aside. She alleged her husband fraudulently induced her into signing the agreement. She was convinced to sign the prenuptial agreement because of … [Read more...]
Nassau County Judge Blocks Marriage
Jennifer Burger wanted to marry Mr. Diack. Michael Diack is a convicted level one sex offender. Jennifer brought a proceeding before Judge Maron, who sits in the Supreme Court located in Nassau County, New York. She asked the court to set aside a January 2009 stipulation contained in her divorce judgment from her previous husband Robert Burger. She … [Read more...]
New No Fault Divorce Law Eliminates the Need for a Trial
Supreme Court Justice, Robert J. Muller, has decided that under the new New York No Fault Divorce Law an objecting party is not entitled to a trial on the issue of fault the marriage is beyond repair. Justice Muller's decision is an interpretation of New York's year old No Fault Divorce Law. The Judge's decision interprets the legislature's intent … [Read more...]
No Fault Divorce Denied to Father
Scott Schiffer was divorcing his wife, Lynn. He made an application under the new New York Domestic Relations Law section 170-70 for a Summary Judgment based on a irretrevable break down of his marriage to his wife Lynn for a period of six months. Lynn opposed the Summary Judgment application. Summary Judgment asks a court to render a decision … [Read more...]
Order of Protection Fails, Woman Shot
Carmen Valdez obtained an order of protection from her boyfriend, Felix Perez. She was assured by police officers that Felix would be arrested if he threatened her in violation of the order of protection, issued by the Bronx Criminal Court. Thereafter, Mr. Perez shot Carmen Valdez. Bullets pierced her face and her arm. Felix Perez killed himself … [Read more...]
Order of Protection Fails to Protect Woman
Santia Williams was murdered. The person responsible killed himself. The order of protection she had against her killer, her ex - boyfriend and her child's father, did not work! Santia Williams lived in Bayshore, Long Island. She had a child with Jason Jenkins. She was involved in litigation with him as to when he could visit their child. On July … [Read more...]
Violence In Judge’s Chambers During Florida Divorce
Kathleen Scott-Gonzalez appeared in court for a hearing on her divorce in Plantation, Florida. She expected this to be the final day of the trial on her divorce case. What she didn't anticipate was that she would be beaten up by her husband in the judge's chambers and end up with a broken nose and fractured jaw! Kathleen and her husband Paul … [Read more...]
Former President Bush’s Daughter Endorses Gay Marriage
Barbara Bush, age 29, one of George Bush’s twin daughters, has taped a video endorsing gay marriage. The video calls for the State of New York to legalize gay marriage. In her video, she says this a matter of conscience and equality. Her father, former President George Bush, does not agree with her on this topic. Barbara Bush is not the first … [Read more...]