When a couple has children it is usually an extremely significant event in their lives. The raising of children changes many aspects of the couples life. One of the aspects that can be negatively impacted on is the friendships with couples that do not have children. There are important things you should never say to a couple that doesn’t have … [Read more...]
Teenagers Should Not Be Tried As Adults
Jonathan Lipman is the Chief Judge of the State of New York. He seeks to reform our legal system with regard to the prosecution of teenagers as adults. He believes that teenagers who commit minor crimes should have these matters handled by the Family Courts and not the Criminal Courts. New York is one of only two states in the United States that … [Read more...]
Women Given Equal Rights to Become the Queen of England
Female children in England now have an equal chance to become the Head of State. If newlyweds Prince William and Kate Middleton have a daughter, she can now become Queen. This is true even if she has younger brothers. The countries in the English Commonwealth have recently agreed to change the century-old rules concerning who can become the Head of … [Read more...]
Order of Protection Fails, Woman Shot
Carmen Valdez obtained an order of protection from her boyfriend, Felix Perez. She was assured by police officers that Felix would be arrested if he threatened her in violation of the order of protection, issued by the Bronx Criminal Court. Thereafter, Mr. Perez shot Carmen Valdez. Bullets pierced her face and her arm. Felix Perez killed himself … [Read more...]
Father Given Custody of Children to Provide Stability in Their Lives
In October of 2010, Referee D. Richardson-Mendelson, sitting in the Family Court located in Rockland County, rendered a decision giving exclusive physical custody to the childrens' father in the case of the matter of H.C. v. J.O. In this case, the father had brought an application before the court to modify a prior custody So-Ordered … [Read more...]
The Cruise From Hell
In November of 2010, 4,500 passengers embarked on a cruise on the Carnival Splendor. The cruise ended-up being a horrible experience for everyone involved. At or around dawn, many passengers awoke to a shaking of the entire ship. When they went out to the hallway, it was filled with smoke. Crew members told passengers to go to the life boats. … [Read more...]