My office has been representing clients in divorce cases for approximately 45 years. I recently became aware of how divorces proceed in Saudi Arabia. To protect women's rights the government of Saudi Arabia now allows women to be notified when they are divorced by text messages. Women in Saudi Arabia have very few rights. In Saudi Arabia a … [Read more...]
Amicable Divorce
Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, is getting divorced from his wife. The Bezos' seek to avoid fighting, arguing, anguish and other problems associated with a nasty, drawn out legal battle in a divorce. Is there a right way to get divorced and a wrong way? Jeff Bezos and his wife Mackenzie are trying to do divorce the right way. So what … [Read more...]
Judge Finds Child’s Best Interests Are Served By Mother Being Allowed To Relocate
In a case before Judge Aija Tingling ,who sits in the Family Court of New York County, a mother brought a petition seeking to relocate with her child. The father opposed the mother's application. The mother claimed she was hoping to relocate to Miami, Florida. She claimed her family resided there. The father convinced her initially to stay and … [Read more...]
Application for Order of Protection Dismissed: Petitioner Failed to Move Forward with Prosecution
In a recent case before Judge John Hunt, who sits in the Family Court in Queens County, applications for orders of protection were initiated. Judge John Hunt found the parties had been involved in an intimate relationship. They had one child together. Each of the parties had filed many petitions for orders of protection against each other over a … [Read more...]
Parenting After Divorce
You just went through a divorce. Your marriage is over. You have 2 children and those children have a mother and father who are now not living together, and they are going their separate ways. How do you help the children cope with the change in their life circumstances? The answer is to cooperate and co-parent. Co-Parenting After … [Read more...]
Hiring the Right Divorce Attorney
Obtaining a divorce involves making one's way through the legal process. The best way to navigate through the divorce process is to have the right divorce lawyer. The Right Divorce Lawyer Is your divorce simple or complicated? Do you have children and custody issues related to the children? Do you have significant assets or virtually … [Read more...]
What Should a Parenting Plan Include
I've heard that good marriages are made in heaven and bad marriages are made on earth. Whether a marriage or a relationship is good or bad children should not be made to suffer when the relationship ends. Children benefit from having relationships with both parents. However, there can be bumps in the road in working out details related to the … [Read more...]
Representing Yourself in Family Court: Usually a Bad Idea!
Our law office has been representing men and women in the Family Courts in the Metropolitan New York area for 45 years. We have participated in scores of cases where our clients have initially tried to represent themselves. They usually retain our law office after they failed in their attempts to represent themselves in Family Court. They come … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse Allegations
Elliot Schlissel discusses domestic violence and sexual abuse allegations in today's video. … [Read more...]
Avoiding Parental Control
The mother alleged that her daughter had left her home in Arizona for the sole purpose of avoiding parental control of her actions. The mother further stated that her daughter refused to have any contact with her. Judge Bennett disagreed with the mother's argument. She felt that the mother had put her personal needs above the needs and … [Read more...]