Justice Connelly, sitting in the Supreme Court of Westchester County, modified a joint custody order and gave the father sole temporary custody of both of his children. The parties had entered into a stipulation of settlement wherein each of them would have joint custody. The children would reside with the mother and the father would have regular … [Read more...]
Husband Jailed for Failure to Comply With Settlement Agreement
Supreme Court Justice Bruno, sitting in Nassau County, recently put a man in jail because he did not comply with the terms of the Stipulation of Settlement. The settlement agreement required that the father maintain a $2,000,000 life insurance policy. The wife and the other children were to be the irrevocable beneficiaries. The wife waived various … [Read more...]
Violence In Judge’s Chambers During Florida Divorce
Kathleen Scott-Gonzalez appeared in court for a hearing on her divorce in Plantation, Florida. She expected this to be the final day of the trial on her divorce case. What she didn't anticipate was that she would be beaten up by her husband in the judge's chambers and end up with a broken nose and fractured jaw! Kathleen and her husband Paul … [Read more...]
Mother’s Request to Relocate Her Child Denied
This past summer, Justice Falanga, a Supreme Court Judge sitting in Nassau County, made a ruling that despite a child’s wishes, the relocation of the child with the mother to Michigan was denied. The wife decided to relocate from New York to Michigan. She had residential custody of the parties’ children. The father brought a proceeding for custody … [Read more...]