My office has been representing clients in divorce cases for approximately 45 years. I recently became aware of how divorces proceed in Saudi Arabia. To protect women's rights the government of Saudi Arabia now allows women to be notified when they are divorced by text messages. Women in Saudi Arabia have very few rights. In Saudi Arabia a … [Read more...]
Amicable Divorce
Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, is getting divorced from his wife. The Bezos' seek to avoid fighting, arguing, anguish and other problems associated with a nasty, drawn out legal battle in a divorce. Is there a right way to get divorced and a wrong way? Jeff Bezos and his wife Mackenzie are trying to do divorce the right way. So what … [Read more...]
Judge Finds Child’s Best Interests Are Served By Mother Being Allowed To Relocate
In a case before Judge Aija Tingling ,who sits in the Family Court of New York County, a mother brought a petition seeking to relocate with her child. The father opposed the mother's application. The mother claimed she was hoping to relocate to Miami, Florida. She claimed her family resided there. The father convinced her initially to stay and … [Read more...]
What Should a Parenting Plan Include
I've heard that good marriages are made in heaven and bad marriages are made on earth. Whether a marriage or a relationship is good or bad children should not be made to suffer when the relationship ends. Children benefit from having relationships with both parents. However, there can be bumps in the road in working out details related to the … [Read more...]
Representing Yourself in Family Court: Usually a Bad Idea!
Our law office has been representing men and women in the Family Courts in the Metropolitan New York area for 45 years. We have participated in scores of cases where our clients have initially tried to represent themselves. They usually retain our law office after they failed in their attempts to represent themselves in Family Court. They come … [Read more...]
Custody: Who Is The Parent?
There has been an unusual, and highly publicized case in Kentucky. This case involves a nine year old girl. She uses the middle and last name of a woman who is not biologically related to her. She lived with this woman and the woman's partner until she was four years of age. The girl's biological mother became pregnant in 2006. The father was a … [Read more...]
The Grounds For Divorce in New York
Irretrievable Breakdown of the Marriage The newest ground for divorce is a no fault ground. This no fault ground is used in the large majority of divorce cases today. It simplifies the divorce process because it is a ground which does not usually have an available defense to it. The ground specifically states the relationship between the spouses … [Read more...]
Dealing With Parental Alienation Problems – Part II
Fighting Parental Alienation The best way to deal with a situation involving parental alienation is for the alienated parent to take immediate legal action to ask for either a change in custody, an order enforcing visitation, an order of protection, and/or other legal remedies. The longer the parental alienation is allowed to go unrestrained, the … [Read more...]
Dealing With Parental Alienation Problems – Part I
In divorce and Family Court litigation involving custody and spending parenting time with children, sometimes one parent seeks to alienate the children from the other. God gives each child two parents. A parent who estranges the children from the other parent for selfish, inappropriate and/or vindictive purposes, doesn't understand the damage they … [Read more...]
Child Removal Proceedings by Child Protective Services – Part II
Levels of Proof In proceedings brought in the Family Court by CPS, the level of proof necessary to establish child abuse or child neglect is minimal. The formal rules of evidence which apply in other courts do not apply here. CPS workers can present hearsay evidence from third parties. They can present statements from three year olds or four … [Read more...]