Your divorce is over. Does this mean all parenting issues have been resolved? Hopefully, this is true. But life is not static. Children grow older and develop new, unanticipated issues. Parents' relationships change. Financial situations for both the custodial and non-custodial parent are impacted by employment interruptions, physical problems and … [Read more...]
Teenagers Should Not Be Tried As Adults
Jonathan Lipman is the Chief Judge of the State of New York. He seeks to reform our legal system with regard to the prosecution of teenagers as adults. He believes that teenagers who commit minor crimes should have these matters handled by the Family Courts and not the Criminal Courts. New York is one of only two states in the United States that … [Read more...]
Violence In Judge’s Chambers During Florida Divorce
Kathleen Scott-Gonzalez appeared in court for a hearing on her divorce in Plantation, Florida. She expected this to be the final day of the trial on her divorce case. What she didn't anticipate was that she would be beaten up by her husband in the judge's chambers and end up with a broken nose and fractured jaw! Kathleen and her husband Paul … [Read more...]
Child Support and College Expenses
The Child Support Standards Act provides a formula for child support payments. A non-residential custodial parent pays child support of 17% of gross wages, less FICA and less New York City taxes (where applicable), when there is one child receiving support. The figure goes up to 25% for two children, 29% for three children, 31% for four children … [Read more...]
Juvenile Probation Assessment Tool Discriminates Against Boys
Judge Hunt, sitting in the Family Court of Queens County in November of 2010, rendered a decision in a case that criticized the Probation Assessment Tool. Judge Hunt stated that the Probation Assessment Tool, which was implemented in the year 2003, provided "unwarranted harsher treatment" for many males and "unwise and unjustified lenient treatment … [Read more...]