Experienced Child Custody Attorneys in New York City and on Long Island
Serving the Five Boroughs of New York, and Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties
When you’re involved in a divorce and there are minor children in the home, your primary concerns will be about custody and visitation. As a parent, you want what’s best for your children, but you also want to play a meaningful role in their growth and development. Ideally, you can work out amicable arrangements with your former spouse, so that you get quality time and have a say in the important things in your child’s life, including their education, health care, religious training and extracurricular activities. When you can’t come to a cooperative solution with your spouse, you may need to ask the court to intervene to protect the best interests of your child. In either situation, the experienced family law attorneys at Schissel DeCorpo can help.
At the Law Offices of Schissel DeCorpo, we bring decades of legal experience to men and women throughout New York City, in Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island, and across Westchester County. We understand the connection you have with your children, your desire to be a part of their lives, and your commitment to protecting their best interests. We’ll work with you to fashion custody and visitation arrangements that give priority to your children’s needs while protecting your rights as a parent.
We offer a free initial consultation to anyone involved in a child custody or visitation controversy. To set up a meeting, contact us online at info@sdnylaw.com or call our offices, at 718-350-2802 in Queens, at 516-561-6645 in Nassau County, in Suffolk County at 631-319-8262 or in Westchester County at 914-997-0071.
Comprehensive Counsel in Custody and Visitation Proceedings
We aggressively advocate for parents of minor children in divorce proceedings, looking first to identify ways to amicably resolve your differences while promoting the best interests of your children. We will strive to help you get fair and equal access to your children, regardless of your gender, in accordance with New York laws that presume an equal opportunity for custody to both parents. Because of our vast experience in family law and divorce matters, we are often able to work with opposing counsel to establish and implement workable custody and visitation arrangements. However, when your spouse refuses to cooperate, we will use our extensive courtroom skills to effectively protect your child custody rights.
What Can You Expect from a Child Custody Dispute in New York?
In New York, as in all states, the court has the power to grant either sole or joint custody and will identify two different forms of custody—physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody refers to where the child resides. In most cases, one parent will have primary physical custody and the other parent will be granted visitation. That means that the child spends most of his or her time in the home of or with the custodial parent and sees the non-custodial parent according to a specific schedule (typically every other weekend, alternating holidays and for a period in the summer). In some circumstances, the court may grant joint physical custody, where the child spends an equal amount of time with each parent.
Legal custody refers to a parent’s involvement in decisions about the child’s welfare. Customarily, that includes the child’s education, health needs, religious upbringing and involvement in extracurricular activities. The courts prefer to grant joint legal custody, so that both parents have an equal say.
Proven Representation in Child Custody Disputes
When you can’t work out a solution to your child custody dispute with your former spouse, you’ll have to ask the court to intervene. Child custody litigation is often protracted and complex. At Schlissel DeCorpo, we’ve successfully handled many difficult custody issues over the years. Let us use our experience, skill, knowledge and resources to help you get the outcome you want.
Contact the Experienced Child Custody Lawyers at Schlissel DeCorpo
At the Law Offices of Schissel DeCorpo, we have provided strong and effective counsel to parents for more than 40 years to parents throughout the New York City metro area who are involved in child custody disputes. To schedule a free consultation our proven NYC child custody and visitation attorneys, contact us by email at info@sdnylaw.com or call our offices in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn or the Bronx at 718-350-2802, in Nassau County at 516-561-6645, in Suffolk County at 631-319-8262631-319-8262 or in Westchester County at 914-997-0071. Our phones are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
We aggressively represent parents and families throughout the greater New York City area, across all five boroughs and Long Island, including Nassau, Suffolk, Kings, Westchester and Richmond Counties.