Justice Dollinger, sitting in the Supreme Court in Monroe County, recently suspended a man's spousal maintenance (alimony) because he found it would be "an extreme hardship" for him to continue to make these payments. Justice Dollinger stated in his opinion in the matter of Platt v. Platt, 2012 N.Y. Slip Op. 51583(U), "[w]e debate 'extreme … [Read more...]
Getting Divorced During an Economic Downturn
The financial crisis in the United States is causing tension within families. Financial problems can be the cause of a divorce. In most marriages the family home is the largest asset. The decline in home values over the past three or four years has resulted in many homes being worth less than the mortgages on them. Postponing Divorce Recent … [Read more...]
Child Support and College Expenses
The Child Support Standards Act provides a formula for child support payments. A non-residential custodial parent pays child support of 17% of gross wages, less FICA and less New York City taxes (where applicable), when there is one child receiving support. The figure goes up to 25% for two children, 29% for three children, 31% for four children … [Read more...]
Long Island and NYC Divorce Lawyer on New York’s New No-fault Divorce Law
Hooray! New York has now joined the other 49 states in the United States concerning the grounds for divorce. On October 12, 2010, New York's new no-fault divorce law went into effect. This is the first change in New York's divorce law since the mid 1960's. New York is now in conformity with the other 49 states in granting parties whose marriage … [Read more...]
New Divorce Law In New York
On August 15, 2010, Governor Paterson signed into law new statutes that significantly change divorce law in New York. No Fault Divorce The most significant of the statutes adopts a true no-fault divorce law, making New York the 50th state to adopt such a law. The new statute eliminates the need for a person seeking a divorce to claim that they … [Read more...]
No Fault Divorce Comes To New York
New York is now joining the other 49 states in the United States with regard to divorce laws. The New York State Assembly has passed a no fault divorce law. Now both the State Senate and the Assembly have passed the liberalized New York divorce law, and it is anticipated that Governor Patterson will sign the new no fault divorce law very … [Read more...]