Judge Daniel Palmieri, sitting in a Supreme Court part handling matrimonial matters in Nassau County, New York, recently vacated the decision of a Beth Din determination and award. Beth Din is a Jewish Religious Court. The parties in this case had entered into a written agreement to arbitrate financial issues related to the marriage before the … [Read more...]
‘Genius’ Not Taken Into Account in Equitable Distribution
Judge Dregger, sitting in Manhattan Supreme Court, denied a very successful private equity firm executive from presenting evidence in a divorce case that he had "unique personality traits" prior to the marriage that allowed him to accumulate 450 million dollars in business assets during the thirty year term of his marriage. Justice Dregger, in her … [Read more...]
Getting Divorced During an Economic Downturn
The financial crisis in the United States is causing tension within families. Financial problems can be the cause of a divorce. In most marriages the family home is the largest asset. The decline in home values over the past three or four years has resulted in many homes being worth less than the mortgages on them. Postponing Divorce Recent … [Read more...]
Father of Six Seeks Downward Modification of Child Support
In the matter of "Demetrius D. v. Loti T.", reported in the New York Law Journal on January 27, 2011, a father sought a downward modification of his child support obligations. The lawsuit was brought in Clinton County, New York, before Family Court Judge Lawliss. The father in this case was ordered to pay child support for his son, Isiah. At the … [Read more...]