Don't make mistakes regarding your retirement. Your senior years should be enjoyable, relaxed and stimulating. They should not be frustrating and worrisome times. Have Sufficient Assets and Cash Flow You should not retire unless you have enough savings, pension, funds or 401K funds to support your lifestyle. Social Security alone will not be … [Read more...]
Retirement Planning for Single Americans
Who prepares better for retirement, married couples or single individuals? The answer is married couples. More than 85% of married couples have saving plans related to their retirement. This compares with only 67% of single individuals who have established retirement savings programs. Retirement Planning Americans who have worked during the … [Read more...]
How will Raising the Medicare Age to 67 Affect You?
With the exception of the government, everyone will pay more money for medical insurance and medical benefits if the medicare age is raised to 67. A number of years ago, the Social Security retirement age for individuals born in 1960 or later was raised to 67. At the time they raised the social security age, they left the medicare eligibility age … [Read more...]
Easing Into Retirement
When Is The Right Time to Retire? It’s hard to say when it's right time to retire; however, it is easy to say it is the wrong time to retire. You shouldn’t retire unless you have sufficient funds to carry you through your golden years. In the past, most people retired in their sixties. With declining savings and living costs going up, many … [Read more...]
Medicare: How Do We Reform This Program?
Cutting Doctor Reimbursements Congress is considering a 23% reduction in the reimbursement to physicians who render medical treatment to Medicare patients. Will doctors accept this type of reduction? There is concern that the doctors will simply refuse to treat Medicare patients if they are not paid a reasonable fee. This will force … [Read more...]
Dealing With Nursing Home Abuse of Senior Citizens
When you place a loved one in a nursing home, it is your hope that they are going to be cared for. The nursing home is responsible for meeting their needs for food, shelter and medical care. There has been a significant number of cases in recent years where nursing homes have not provided the high-level of care that is their obligation. In some … [Read more...]
The Worst States in Which to Retire
Individuals who reach the age of retirement are usually on a fixed income. It is important for these retirees to receive the biggest bang for their buck. They need to live on a moderate level so they do not live longer than their money can support them. According to the Pew Center for States Report, the ten worst states for retirees to … [Read more...]
Paying for Nursing Home Care
It is impossible to predict whether a family member will require long term nursing home care but one thing is certain. Medicare will not pay the cost of long term nursing home care. Alternative methods of paying for nursing home care may involve long term care insurance, paying out of your pocket, or qualifying for Medicaid. In the event you … [Read more...]
Nursing Home Expenses & Medicaid
America has a healthcare crisis. President Obama is now battling with Congress to deal with long term issues involving healthcare. An area of healthcare that is very often overlooked deals with what happens to Americans when they can't care for themselves. The best way to maintain a senior is to keep them in their home under circumstances that … [Read more...]
Long Term Care Hospitals – A Capitalist Solution
During the past quarter of a century there have been over 400 long term care hospitals built in the United States. These hospitals do not provide acute care for specific illnesses. They are, generally speaking, holding facilities for individuals who are too sick for nursing homes but not sick enough for regular hospitals. Patients often stay for … [Read more...]