Retirement is supposed to be the "golden years." Today, the golden years maybe a thing of the past. It is estimated three quarters of Americans facing retirement age have approximately $30,000 in savings. The failure of Americans of retirement age to develop a significant amount of savings may have a long term impact on retirement in United … [Read more...]
Retirement Planning for Single Americans
Who prepares better for retirement, married couples or single individuals? The answer is married couples. More than 85% of married couples have saving plans related to their retirement. This compares with only 67% of single individuals who have established retirement savings programs. Retirement Planning Americans who have worked during the … [Read more...]
Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?
Republican politicians have recently referred to Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme". This is an absurd misrepresentation of a program that has helped keep many of America's senior citizens out of poverty. Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, in a recent debate, stated "it is a Ponzi scheme to tell our kids that are 25 or 30 years old today, you're … [Read more...]