Death is unpleasant. Why would anyone want to think about such an unpleasant subject. However, as unpleasant as death may be, everything that lives will eventually die. End of life issues are difficult to face. However, the failure to face end of life issues can create untenable, difficult, and painful situations for your loved ones. Living … [Read more...]
Why You Need A Living Will
End of life issues are difficult to face. Everyone that lives will eventually die. If you want to make your own choices as to how you're cared for, should you become gravely ill, it is important that you have a Living Will. A Living Will is an advance directive that explains to your loved ones and your physicians what type of life prolonging … [Read more...]
Investment Planning for Retirement
The Stock Market, in 2011, has been very volatile. Soon to be retired families are expressing concern as to what their appropriate investment strategy should be in retirement. Thirty-year Retirement If you're retiring in your 60's, it is important to plan for as long as thirty years of being retired (hopefully you have this type of longevity in … [Read more...]
Retirement Planning for Single Americans
Who prepares better for retirement, married couples or single individuals? The answer is married couples. More than 85% of married couples have saving plans related to their retirement. This compares with only 67% of single individuals who have established retirement savings programs. Retirement Planning Americans who have worked during the … [Read more...]
Caring for Senior Citizens From Long Distance
When we were born, our parents cared for us. Are we up to the task of taking care of our parents when they grow old? This is especially difficult when you don't live near your parents. Siblings Nearby Some people are lucky, in that a brother or sister lives near their parents. While the sibling becomes the primary caretaker, it is … [Read more...]