Don't make mistakes regarding your retirement. Your senior years should be enjoyable, relaxed and stimulating. They should not be frustrating and worrisome times. Have Sufficient Assets and Cash Flow You should not retire unless you have enough savings, pension, funds or 401K funds to support your lifestyle. Social Security alone will not be … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s Disease and Divorce
Pat Robinson has suggested that a man whose wife has Alzheimer's disease should obtain a divorce. He takes the position that divorcing a wife with Alzheimer's is a better solution than committing adultery with a new companion. Pat made these comments in response to a question submitted to him on his television program, "The 700 Club." He had taken … [Read more...]
Hearing Loss may be Related to Dementia
Dementia is a disease that effects senior citizens. It is a terrible disease that literally fries the human brain. Recent studies have shown that a gradual hearing loss is one of the early symptoms of alzheimer's disease, as well as other types of dementia. Hearing impairments prevent seniors from following conversations. The loss of hearing … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s Disease: What are the Symptoms?
Are you concerned that either you, a close friend or a loved one has the early stages of Alzheimer's disease? What are the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Are your parents just becoming forgetful or do they have the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Should you believe that yourself, a friend, a family member or a loved one is … [Read more...]