Medicaid Explained
Medicaid is a program maintained jointly by states and the federal government. It is designed to pay for home healthcare aids and/or nursing home care for individuals who qualify. How does one qualify for medicaid? Although medicaid is basically a welfare program, estate planning can allow even families with significant assets to qualify for … [Read more...]
There has been a five year look back period for the transfer of assets for individuals seeking long term nursing home care for many years now. Any transfer of assets or sale of assets during this period of time can make an individual ineligible for receiving Medicaid nursing care benefits. The transfer of assets or the sale of assets will cause an … [Read more...]
Spousal Refusal And Medicaid Planning
In the States of Connecticut, Florida and New York spousal refusal to pay for a spouse's medical expenses can be an acceptable Medicaid planning technique. The spouse of an individual who goes into a nursing home and applies for Medicaid is referred to as the "community spouse." This spouse can keep approximately $3000 a month of the family's … [Read more...]
Retirement Problems
Do you have enough money to retire? This is a question baby boomers are starting to think about. How much money do you need before you retire? What is the best way to plan for retirement? When Should You Start Saving? Experts agree that you should start saving for your retirement as early as possible. The longer you defer putting aside money in a … [Read more...]
The Right To Die
There was a recent case in Long Island, New York concerning issues surrounding "the right to die." Sungeon Grace Lee, age 28, decided her life was no longer worth living. She advised her doctors she wanted to end her life by cutting off the life support system keeping her alive. Her parents, who are deeply religious, vehemently opposed their … [Read more...]
Retirement: It May Not Be A Choice!
Job growth in the United States has been weak for a number of years. However, there is one group in the American population that has a higher level of employment than in previous decades. This group encompasses "older Americans." More than 7.2 million Americans over the age of 65 are now working. This is more than twice as many that were employed … [Read more...]
Estate Planning
Who needs estate planning? Probably you do! Estate planning does not relate to an individual’s net worth. The purpose of an estate plan is to see to it that your financial goals and the financial goals of your family can be met even after you die. There are several elements of an estate plan. A will, a power or attorney, a living will and a … [Read more...]
Garden of Eden Adult Home in Brooklyn is “A Garden Of Hell”
The Garden of Eden Nursing Home is located in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York. The residents of this adult facility have been forced to live in a poorly maintained residence and under unsanitary living conditions. Multiple lawsuits have been brought related to complaints of mistreatment from the residents. The State Health Department has sited the … [Read more...]
Dispelling Retirement Myths
Retiring in comfort is getting more and more difficult. The costs of retirement are spiraling while the income of the average American has flattened out or is declining. There are many retirement myths that are simply untrue. Following is the discussion of some retirement issues that all potential retirees should be aware of. How much will be … [Read more...]