Retiring in comfort is getting more and more difficult. The costs of retirement are spiraling while the income of the average American has flattened out or is declining. There are many retirement myths that are simply untrue. Following is the discussion of some retirement issues that all potential retirees should be aware of. How much will be … [Read more...]
Baby Boomers Need Wills
Death is unpleasant. Why would anyone want to think about such an unpleasant subject. However, as unpleasant as death may be, everything that lives will eventually die. End of life issues are difficult to face. However, the failure to face end of life issues can create untenable, difficult, and painful situations for your loved ones. Living … [Read more...]
Child Pornography and Criminal Charges
Susan Powell has been missing since 2009. She had two children, ages 4 and 6. The children had been staying with her husband, Josh Powell during her absence. Recently the Washington State Children's Administration removed the children from Mr. Powell's home. It seems that Josh Powell was also living with his father Steve. Steve has been charged … [Read more...]
Prisoner’s Death Results In Large Damages Award
Philip E. Parker, a former inmate in a Baltimore jail, was being transported by correction officers in a jail bus when he was murdered by a fellow inmate. His family brought a lawsuit claiming that the four correction officers and the State had acted negligently in the supervision of the prisoners on the bus, and as a result of their failure to … [Read more...]
Medicaid and Legal Malpractice
Governor Cuomo has set up a medicaid re-design team. On the team, there are a number of hospital administrators. These administrators have used this opportunity to press for capping malpractice payment for hospitals. Governor Cuomo has decided to go along with the hospital administrators' request concerning capping malpractice payments in medical … [Read more...]
Bank of America and Foreclosures
Bank of America is the largest bank in the United States. They have recently taken action to stop moving forward with foreclosures throughout the United States. Allegations have arisen with regard to how the bank is handling the foreclosure process. Bank of America is among many large financial institutions which also include Chase Manhattan and … [Read more...]
The Use of Incorrect Documents in Foreclosures
Numerous financial institutions are finding that the documents they anticipated using in foreclosure proceedings are flawed! GMAC and JP Morgan Chase are among two large financial institutions that have acknowledged that mistakes were made with regards to the processing of mortgages. Both companies have suspended all foreclosure … [Read more...]
Lesbian Obligated To Pay Child Support
Under current law, if a heterosexual male has a one night stand with a woman and she becomes pregnant, the man is legally obligated to pay child support. Furthermore, in situations where a male is paying child support to a woman even when he is not the father, he cannot discontinue payments under the doctrine of "equitable estoppel". This … [Read more...]
Nursing Home Expenses & Medicaid
America has a healthcare crisis. President Obama is now battling with Congress to deal with long term issues involving healthcare. An area of healthcare that is very often overlooked deals with what happens to Americans when they can't care for themselves. The best way to maintain a senior is to keep them in their home under circumstances that … [Read more...]
Hospitals, Do They Help Us Or Kill Us
More than 48,000 people die each year from illnesses and diseases picked up during hospital stays. Approximately 20% of the patients in hospitals who develop sepsis, a blood infection, following surgery die. Patients who develop sepsis stay approximately 1 ½ weeks longer in hospitals than their original planned hospital stay. It is estimated that … [Read more...]