It is estimated that hundreds of non-judicial workers will lose their jobs related to an additional $70 million dollars in budget cuts from the judiciary budget in the state of New York. The $70 million in budget cuts is in addition to a previous $100 million that was cut from the $2.7 billion budget for the judiciary in the state of New … [Read more...]
Downward Modifications of Child Support Denied
On February 17th, Justice Maron, sitting in the Supreme Court of Nassau County, rendered a decision in the case of S. S. v. M.S, denying the defendant husband a downward modification of his child support and spousal maintenance payments. The husband's application to the court indicated that his income had been greatly reduced. He stated his income … [Read more...]
Retirement Planning Mistakes
Americans do not save enough money during the course of their working years to have the retirement life experience they have dreamed about. In a recent study by the Employment Benefit Research Institute, fifty-six percent of the workers interviewed stated that the total value of their household savings and investments, without including the equity … [Read more...]
Spousal Maintenance Award is Fair
Justice Janowitz, sitting in the Supreme Court located in Nassau County, New York, recently made a decision in the case of Jill G. vs. Jeffery G, 202923-10 (March 18th). The wife in this case claimed that the temporary, non-taxable maintenance payments she was receiving were inadequate. The wife was receiving $10,783 per month. This award was … [Read more...]
Modification of Criminal Law
DWI's Generally driving while intoxicated convictions (DWI's) are not subject to being expunged. Instead, in some circumstances these records can be sealed. We can also obtain for our clients waivers of civil disabilities for individuals convicted of DWI's. This allows them to obtain commercial licenses in the future or have their commercial … [Read more...]
Retirement: What if You Haven’t Saved any Money?
Retirement is supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment for Americans. The current economic situation in the United States may require a re-thinking of retirement issues. A recent study has shown that one in four individuals approaching retirement have saved nothing for their retirement years! The Employee Benefit Research Institute … [Read more...]
Family Court has Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
In November of 2010, Family Court Judge Julianne S. Eisman, sitting in Nassau County, New York, rendered a decision that the New York Family Court has subject matter jurisdiction over acts that take place outside of the United States of America. Children Assaulted In Anguila A social worker named Annette Richardson pushed her daughter to the … [Read more...]
Mother’s Request to Relocate Her Child Denied
This past summer, Justice Falanga, a Supreme Court Judge sitting in Nassau County, made a ruling that despite a child’s wishes, the relocation of the child with the mother to Michigan was denied. The wife decided to relocate from New York to Michigan. She had residential custody of the parties’ children. The father brought a proceeding for custody … [Read more...]
New York’s Mandatory Retirement of Judges: A Mistake
New York judges must retire on or before September 31st in the year in which they reach seventy years of age. The statute is a mistake. It should be amended, modified, changed or eliminated completely. Under the current system, judges who reach the mandatory retirement age can obtain up to three extensions for periods of two years. To obtain these … [Read more...]
Suffolk County Develops Gun Shot System
In March of 2010, Suffolk County deployed a gun shot detection system in the two square-mile area of Huntington. This gun shot detection system uses computerized sound sensors to pick up the sounds of gun shots. The system is designed to establish the location of the origin of the gunshot. It is accurate to within approximately eighty feet. The … [Read more...]