Recently, in Georgia, a pedestrian was convicted of vehicular homicide related to the death of her four year-old son. The boy was killed in a car accident caused by a hit and run driver. Raquel Nelson took a long bus ride with her three children. This was in April of 2010. At the end of the bus ride, she tried to cross the road directly in front … [Read more...]
Modification of Criminal Law
DWI's Generally driving while intoxicated convictions (DWI's) are not subject to being expunged. Instead, in some circumstances these records can be sealed. We can also obtain for our clients waivers of civil disabilities for individuals convicted of DWI's. This allows them to obtain commercial licenses in the future or have their commercial … [Read more...]
Pet Torturer Sentenced
Sharon McDonough may permanently lose custody of her children! Sharon McDonough has been found guilty in Suffolk County, New York, of torturing and killing pets. She raised her children in what has been referred to as horrid conditions. Judge C. Randall Hinrich's sentenced Ms. McDonough to two years in jail. He stated that her crimes were … [Read more...]
A Father’s Rights Protected
Judge John J. Kelly, sitting in the Family Court of Suffolk County, recently rendered a decision in a custody case that the children's best interest required that they be returned to the custody of their father. The case presented to him was a permanency hearing brought by the Department of Social Services. The Social Services Department had … [Read more...]
New York’s Mandatory Retirement of Judges: A Mistake
New York judges must retire on or before September 31st in the year in which they reach seventy years of age. The statute is a mistake. It should be amended, modified, changed or eliminated completely. Under the current system, judges who reach the mandatory retirement age can obtain up to three extensions for periods of two years. To obtain these … [Read more...]
Suffolk County Develops Gun Shot System
In March of 2010, Suffolk County deployed a gun shot detection system in the two square-mile area of Huntington. This gun shot detection system uses computerized sound sensors to pick up the sounds of gun shots. The system is designed to establish the location of the origin of the gunshot. It is accurate to within approximately eighty feet. The … [Read more...]
Funding of Divorce Litigation
There is a new concept in the handling of divorces that is accepted in a number of states. Funding companies offer to cover the legal costs of litigating the divorces. They pay for the legal services of the party's lawyer. They also pay for finding hidden assets and maintaining an individual's lifestyle during the course of the divorce … [Read more...]