Last March, Judge Posner, sitting in the Family Court of Duchess County, ruled that a woman whose ex-husband had been in and out of jail since approximately 2003, and in addition had alcohol related problems, could leave the state with her nine-year-old son. She could take this action in spite of the fact that she had signed a custody order barring … [Read more...]
President Obama Focuses on Women’s Rights Issues
President Obama has recently spoken with regard to women’s rights issues. Women today are more likely to graduate from college than men. Statistics show that they still earn less money, on average, than men. Studies also show that the financial circumstances of women are generally not up to the same standards as that of men. The President … [Read more...]
Non-biological Gay Father Prevails Against Biological Father
This is the story of a complicated, unique case decided by the Texas Court of Appeals. Two men first travel to Canada and thereafter to California for the purpose of creating a legal gay union. A surrogate was hired who bore a child for one of the gay men. A proceeding was brought in the State of California to establish both gay men as legal … [Read more...]
Orders of Protection
When one party to a relationship appears in the Family Court and requests an order of protection, there is a tendency for judges to grant these requests. The initial order of protection, given on an ex parte basis (without the other party having his or her day in court), is called a temporary order of protection. Unfortunately for the fathers, a … [Read more...]
Father of Six Seeks Downward Modification of Child Support
In the matter of "Demetrius D. v. Loti T.", reported in the New York Law Journal on January 27, 2011, a father sought a downward modification of his child support obligations. The lawsuit was brought in Clinton County, New York, before Family Court Judge Lawliss. The father in this case was ordered to pay child support for his son, Isiah. At the … [Read more...]
Murder for Hire – Not a Good Way to End a Marriage
Susan Williams of Garden City, New York, was recently sentenced by Nassau County judge Norman St. George to serve 8 to 25 years in prison for hiring a hit man to murder her husband. Divorce by Murder Judge St. George stated, "She wanted a divorce by murder." He further stated upon sentencing that "The court will show the same leniency to the … [Read more...]