Miss Brignoni was injured in a bowling alley. She fell due to a slippery condition after her feet went in front of the foul line on the alley. Miss Brignoni claimed that no one had told her that crossing the foul line could be dangerous. It was also alleged that there were no signs giving warning to bowlers about this dangerous condition. Big … [Read more...]
Medicaid and Legal Malpractice
Governor Cuomo has set up a medicaid re-design team. On the team, there are a number of hospital administrators. These administrators have used this opportunity to press for capping malpractice payment for hospitals. Governor Cuomo has decided to go along with the hospital administrators' request concerning capping malpractice payments in medical … [Read more...]
Innocent Bystander Shot by Police Can’t Sue NYC
Richard Gooding was engaged in a shoot-out with the police in the City of New York. During the course of the gun battle, he was killed. Tammy D. Johnson was in the area of the police gun battle. Upon hearing the shots being fired, she dove behind a parked sport-utility vehicle. She watched the gun battle take place. During the course of the … [Read more...]
Blinded Golfer Incident
Dr. Azid Anand was injured when Dr. Anoop Kapoor took a shot from the rough on October 19, 2002. These two physicians and a third man met together at the golf course. Dr. Kapoor hit a ball which veered to the right and struck Dr. Anand's left eye. The golf ball hit him with such force that he lost sight in the eye. At the time of the trial, Dr. … [Read more...]
New York Medical Examiner Sued For Keeping A Brain
Jesse Shipley, a 17 year-old high school student, died in a car accident on January 9th, 2005. Jesse's father consented to an autopsy. The autopsy was completed and Jesse's remains were picked up by a funeral home later that day. A few months later several classmates of Jesse Shipley were on a field trip to the Richmond County Coroner's office … [Read more...]