When you are convicted of a crime there are a variety of collateral consequences. To start with, you may face prison time, restitution, criminal fines and probation. In addition, the collateral consequences can have a long term negative impact on your life. Many employers will not hire individuals who are convicted of crimes. You also can lose … [Read more...]
Eliminate DWI Convictions
The state legislature in New York has passed and New York Governor Andrew Como has signed a new criminal record sealing law. This new law will allow the sealing of all DWI convictions. The requirements to seal your record and eliminate the public from knowing about your DWI convictions will require that these convictions took place more than ten … [Read more...]
Seal Your Criminal Record
Starting on October 1, 2017 New York will have a new criminal record sealing law. This new law is New York Criminal Procedure Law Section 160.59. Virtually anyone convicted in New York for up to two (2) misdemeanors and one (1) felony can move to have their criminal records wiped out. Sealing a criminal record and expungement of a criminal record … [Read more...]
Free Yourself From Your Criminal Record
New York has a new sealing of criminal records law. This new law is New York Criminal Procedure Law Section 160.59. Ten (10) years after your conviction or release from jail, a court will now have the discretion to seal, under certain circumstances, your criminal records. This can give you new opportunities, put your past behind you and eliminate … [Read more...]
New York Criminal Record Sealing Law
Starting October 1, 2017 criminal records can be sealed in the State of New York. This is the first time New York residents have had the option of sealing criminal records. All criminal records except violent crimes, Class A felonies and sex offenses with certain minor restrictions can be sealed. There is a ten year waiting period from release from … [Read more...]