If you are charged with a crime your freedom is at stake. You should hire an excellent criminal defense lawyer. However, who do you hire? The first thing you should look into before you hire a criminal defense lawyer is how long they have been practicing law? You should then ask the attorney about their familiarity with the courts in the county … [Read more...]
New York Criminal Record Sealing Law
Starting October 1, 2017 criminal records can be sealed in the State of New York. This is the first time New York residents have had the option of sealing criminal records. All criminal records except violent crimes, Class A felonies and sex offenses with certain minor restrictions can be sealed. There is a ten year waiting period from release from … [Read more...]
Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse Allegations
Domestic violence situations often occur in residences. Domestic violence cases involving requests for Orders of Protection, arrests by the police, and applications in the Family Court usually involve individuals who live in the same residence. The District Attorney’s offices in the Metropolitan New York area take allegations of domestic violence … [Read more...]
Internet Crimes: Child Pornography on the Internet
In recent years there has been many prosecutions of individuals relating to downloading or uploading child pornography through the internet. In addition, contact on the internet with minors or providing obscene material to minors, is also a crime. These cases are prosecuted by federal investigators, state investigators and local police … [Read more...]
Criminal Action That Can Prevent You From Becoming A Naturalized American Citizen
Aggravated Felonies A criminal conviction after November 29, 1990 for what is defined as an aggravated felony is a permanent bar to becoming a naturalized American citizen. Under the Immigration and Naturalization Law some crimes under State and other federal laws would be considered misdemeanors are considered aggravated felonies for … [Read more...]