Justice Janowitz, sitting in the Supreme Court located in Nassau County, New York, recently made a decision in the case of Jill G. vs. Jeffery G, 202923-10 (March 18th). The wife in this case claimed that the temporary, non-taxable maintenance payments she was receiving were inadequate. The wife was receiving $10,783 per month. This award was … [Read more...]
Funding of Divorce Litigation
There is a new concept in the handling of divorces that is accepted in a number of states. Funding companies offer to cover the legal costs of litigating the divorces. They pay for the legal services of the party's lawyer. They also pay for finding hidden assets and maintaining an individual's lifestyle during the course of the divorce … [Read more...]
Innocent Bystander Shot by Police Can’t Sue NYC
Richard Gooding was engaged in a shoot-out with the police in the City of New York. During the course of the gun battle, he was killed. Tammy D. Johnson was in the area of the police gun battle. Upon hearing the shots being fired, she dove behind a parked sport-utility vehicle. She watched the gun battle take place. During the course of the … [Read more...]
Roughed-up at the Welfare Office
Ayala works for the Human Resources Administration. He is a security officer. He is currently under investigation for physically assaulting individuals in two separate incidents during a three week period. William Broady went to the welfare office on September 22, 2010. He was applying for Medicaid. He waited for hours and hours and, in the … [Read more...]
Blinded Golfer Incident
Dr. Azid Anand was injured when Dr. Anoop Kapoor took a shot from the rough on October 19, 2002. These two physicians and a third man met together at the golf course. Dr. Kapoor hit a ball which veered to the right and struck Dr. Anand's left eye. The golf ball hit him with such force that he lost sight in the eye. At the time of the trial, Dr. … [Read more...]
Four-Year-Old Charged in Lawsuit
In April of 2009, Clare Menagh, an elderly woman, was using a walker to help her get around. While Clare was walking on the sidewalk, a four-year-old was riding a bicycle near Clare. A collision took place and Clare broke her hip. Several months later, she died of causes unrelated to the incident. At the time of her death, she was eighty-seven … [Read more...]
Strip Searches in Nassau County
A federal judge recently held that individuals who are subject to strip searches in the Nassau County Correctional Institution must receive $500 per person. It has been estimated that 20,000 people will be eligible for the $500 pay out. United States District Court Judge Dennis Hurley has taken this action because these individuals were subject … [Read more...]
New York Medical Examiner Sued For Keeping A Brain
Jesse Shipley, a 17 year-old high school student, died in a car accident on January 9th, 2005. Jesse's father consented to an autopsy. The autopsy was completed and Jesse's remains were picked up by a funeral home later that day. A few months later several classmates of Jesse Shipley were on a field trip to the Richmond County Coroner's office … [Read more...]
Dog Bite Kills Man
The state of Florida recently passed a new law that allows municipalities to use red light cameras at traffic intersections. If the camera catches a motorist going through a red light, a ticket is issued and mailed to the owner of the vehicle. A lawsuit has been brought in West Palm Beach for the purpose of invalidating Florida's red light camera … [Read more...]
Recovering for Accidents in the Work Place
Work place injuries are quite common. They may result in serious injuries and even death. In the event you receive injuries related the your employment, you maybe entitled to compensation for your injuries. If your employer is responsible, workers compensation could provide you with financial remuneration for your injuries. In the event there are … [Read more...]