Many issues can arise after parties are divorced with regard to the filing of their income taxes. In the event you are divorced as of the end of the year you must file your taxes as either being head of household or as being single. If you had entered into a separation agreement you also may file as single or head of household. It should be … [Read more...]
Divorce Settlement Agreements
Settlement agreements in divorce cases tend to be long and detailed. These agreements cover issues involving child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, the division of property, how much time each parent spends with the children, who pays for college and various other issues. It is important that the language in the agreement is clear and … [Read more...]
False Allegations of Child Abuse in Divorces
Divorces can be amicable or be a type of limited warfare between the parents. Sometimes the issue of who is going to be the residential custodial parent is a significant issue in a divorce case. It occasionally leads unscrupulous parents to create accusations of child abuse to further their desire to become the residential custodial parent of the … [Read more...]
Grandparents’ Rights and Custody Issues
Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren face many practical, legal issues. Grandchildren who live with grandparents for periods of time are impacted on by a variety of the laws in the State of New York. Issues involving custody, visitation with the parents, who has custody of the grandchildren long term, where the grandchildren go to … [Read more...]
Representing Yourself in Family Court: Usually a Bad Idea!
Our law office has been representing men and women in the Family Courts in the Metropolitan New York area for 45 years. We have participated in scores of cases where our clients have initially tried to represent themselves. They usually retain our law office after they failed in their attempts to represent themselves in Family Court. They come … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Court Refuses to Deviate From A Child Support Standards Act Requirement
New Child Support Contempt Law
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has recently signed into law a statute regarding the collection of child support payments. This new statute allows a parent to bring a contempt of court action in the Supreme Court against the other parent without having first to exhaust other legal remedies. Prior to the passage of this statute contempt proceedings … [Read more...]