In the course of my almost 40 years of representing clients in matrimonials and family law cases, the issue of whether someone’s significant other is a psychopath has come up on a variety of occasions. The purpose of this article is to shed some light as to whether you should consider your spouse or significant other to be a psychopath or sociopath. The following are a list of some of the descriptions of behaviors which would fit into the profile of a psychopath or sociopath:
- He or she is both manipulative and cunning. This individual doesn’t recognize anyone other than himself or herself.
- Their self serving actions and behavior can have a negative impact on others which they either don’t perceive or could care less about.
- These individuals may appear to be very charming. However, underneath the charm is a level of domineering hostility.
- They sometimes see their victims as simply an instrument to be used by them.
- They can quickly and easily manipulate or dominate a victim without any concern for that victim’s feelings or injuries.
- They tend to have ever expanding feelings with regard to their self worth.
- They have a very expanded view of what their rights are.
- They tend to be pathological liars.
- They can easily lie without any feelings of regret or concern.
- They sometimes have an inability to be truthful on a rational or consistent basis.
- They can get overly caught up in their perceived powers and capabilities.
- They may be so good at lying they can pass lie detector tests.
- They tend to have an easy way about them and project a superficial charm.
- They lack remorse.
- They don’t have shame.
- They often have no guilt whatsoever, no matter what the effect their actions may have.
- They also may have deep seated rage.
- They have a shallowness of their emotions.
- They seem to show love and compassion but it is usually feigned.
- They can be easily outraged by insignificant situations or matters.
- They have no genuineness with regard to their promises, words or actions.
- Situations which might upset a normal person may have no impact on them.
- They have a need for constant stimulation.
- They engage in verbal outbursts or physical interaction beyond the normal parameters of behavior.
- They like living on the edge.
- They are often known to engage in promiscuous lifestyles.
- They lack reasonable behavior controls which causes them to act impulsively.
- They may be unable to empathize with the pain of others.
- They can have a callousness to their personality.
- They often have no sense of personal boundaries and no feelings with regard to how their improper behavior impacts on others.
- They tend to be unreliable.
- They are not concerned with their lack of responsibility.
- They don’t care if their actions have a negative impact on others lives.
- They can be oblivious or indifferent with regard to circumstances which have a tremendous negative impact on the lives of others.
- When they act inappropriately or have a negative impact on others they are blameless in their own mind.
- They maintain a parasitic lifestyle.
- They seek to take advantage of others for their own benefit without taking into consideration how their actions will impact on the individual they are taking advantage of.
If your spouse or significant other shows many of these traits or personality dysfunctions, he or she may be a psychopath or sociopath. A divorce lawsuit against a sociopath or psychopath tends to be a long, drawn out, difficult case.