More than 40% of the people in this country think marriage is obsolete! This is according to research study. People between the ages of 18 and 30 believe maintaining excellent parenting skills is far more important than being married. So, are marriages becoming obsolete? There are many issues that face couples who marry. One of them deals with unmet expectations.
Should Marriage Make You Happy?
Can your marital partner satisfy all your needs, emotional, psychological and sexual? It is difficult to meet expectations in marriages. Many men and women find after they are married they the end up with a low conflict and a low passion relationship. First there’s love intertwined with passion. Then there’s boredom, annoyances and the uncovering of flaws in your spouse. No passion sometimes leads to the parties in marriages having affairs.
“Been there, done that” is a popular expression. When you spend a life with another individual, “been there, done that”, can be the order of the day. Kristen and Mark of the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction found that a quarter of all people who were interviewed were bored with their monogamous relationship. Another a quarter stated “they were on the brink of boredom”. Women tend to feel lonely when the love in their marriage fades. Men tend to feel “trapped”. Are marriages becoming obsolete because expectations are too high or is divorce simply becoming much easier to obtain?
In 2011, New York became the 50th and final state to adopt a true no fault divorce law. Prior to 2011, the grounds for divorce in New York were adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, abandonment for a period in excess of one year and living separate and apart pursuant to written agreement of separation. New York now recognizes the grounds for divorce where the parties have irreconcilable differences for a period of six months. This is a true no fault divorce statute.
Although divorce grounds are no longer relevant, should your marriage fail, you will face issues involving child custody, visitation, division of property and child support. To avoid these issues should your marriage fail down the road, it would be in your interest to enter into a prenuptial agreement prior to marriage or a post nuptial agreement after your marriage.
Should you have questions regarding legal issues concerning marriage and divorce, feel free to call the Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo at 516-561-6645, 718-350-2802 or 1-800- 344-6431.