How old must a child be before he or she can understand the Miranda warnings? The Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of J.D.B. vs. North Carolina, dealt with this issue. The court, in this case, rendered a ruling that police must take a suspect's age into consideration when evaluating whether to give the Miranda warnings before … [Read more...]
Miranda Rights Trimmed Down
The United States Supreme Court has recently taken action to restrict the famous "Miranda Criminal Warnings." The Supreme Court rulings will impact police procedures. Police will have more leeway in the questioning of suspected criminals. Police Questioning The Supreme Court has not eliminated the Miranda warnings which are, "You have the … [Read more...]
Should Terrorist Get Miranda Warnings?
Miranda warnings given to individuals arrested in th United States are given based upon the United States Supreme Court's decision in Miranda v. Arizona. The Miranda warnings require the police officer, FBI agent or other governmental arresting officer to advise the arrestee that anything they say or do could be held against them, that they have a … [Read more...]