In 1996, a Federal Statute was passed by Congress that prevented federal recognition of same sex marriages. President Obama has recently directed the Justice Department to stop taking legal action to defend this law in court. The Obama Administration's decision was presented to members of Congress by a letter written by Attorney General Eric H. … [Read more...]
Prison Gone Wild
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is conducting an investigation into a privately run prison in Idaho. The FBI has received a video showing prison guards watching an inmate being brutally beaten. The guards did not intervene in the beating. The beating stopped when the attacker decided he was finished beating his fellow inmate to a … [Read more...]
Police Abuse In Newark
There is a problem with the police in Newark. They are running amuck. There have been many instances of excessive force, false arrest and other abuses by police officers in Newark. It has been suggested that these abuses be investigated by the federal authorities and that a monitor be appointed by the federal government to supervise the police … [Read more...]