Can you receive a driving while intoxicated (DWI) criminal charge for driving a go - kart? The answer to that question is yes. Lennon Safati, age 18, has been charged with a felony for driving while intoxicated, endangering the welfare of a child and other criminal charges. Lennon violated New York's Leandra's Law. He was driving a go - kart while … [Read more...]
Nassau County Loses Marijuana Evidence
Recently, Nassau County, New York lost two bags of marijuana. The bags of marijuana had been seized as evidence by police officers. Due to problems with Nassau County's crime laboratory, the marijuana was being shipped to a laboratory in Pennsylvania for drug testing. The shipment was carried by Federal Express. Unfortunately, the marijuana never … [Read more...]
Iraq Immigrant Kills Daughter for Being too Westernized
Faleh Hassan Almaleki was convicted of murdering his daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki. His daughter was 20 years old at the time he murdered her. He ran her over with his car because he felt she was "too westernized". This sick philosophy was the product of his upbringing in Iran. Honor killings are still common in Arab countries. In such situations, … [Read more...]
The Right to Counsel in a Criminal Case
Ollman Lopez was in jail in Pennsylvania. He was charged with possession and sale of illegal drugs. Detectives from the state of New York went to Pennsylvania and interviewed him in jail. The New York detectives did not make an inquiry as to whether Ollman was represented by an attorney regarding the Pennsylvania criminal charges. Ollman Waives … [Read more...]