Mickey Rooney recently died at age 93. He had been performing for almost eighty years. Mickey’s Last Will and Testament left his entire estate to his stepson. His wife, Janice, and all of his other children were disinherited. They are now challenging Mickey’s last will.
Eugene Belous, the attorney for Mickey’s wife, claims the will contains a “blatant misstatement” about various agreements between Mickey, his wife and a court appointed conservator for Mickey. Attorney Eugene Belous also stated “there is no provision in either of the two settlement agreements that terminates or in any way effects (her) rights as surviving spouse.” Court documents show Jan Rooney, Mickey’s wife, executed an agreement which contained a waiver of all claims to the husband’s estate. This agreement was executed in June 2012 when the parties separated after more than thirty-four years of marriage.
An interview with the court appointed conservator for Mickey stated the challenge brought by Mickey’s wife to his Last Will and Testament was without merit.
Virtually No Assets
Mickey had a long and prosperous career. However, it is estimated the personal property in Mickey’s estate amounts to less than $20,000.
The will being probated was dated March 11, 2014. This will left all of Mickey’s assets to his stepson Mark Rooney. Mark had been Mickey’s caretaker for the two years prior to his death. The March 11, 2014 will specifically disinherits all eight of Mickey’s surviving biological children. It also disinherits two other stepchildren, who were the children of his wife, Janice.
Children Doing Well
Mickey loved his children. However, he felt they were all financially better set in their lives than he was. When he drafted his last will, he wanted to leave the small amount of personal property he had to his caretaker for the past two years, his stepson, Mark Rooney.
Children Contesting the Will Too
In addition to Mickey’s late wife Janice, his eight children are also contesting his will. The issue with regard to the probating of the will, was whether Mickey had testamentary capacity at the time he executed the will. Attorney Mike Augustine has stated his client, Mickey Rooney, was of sound mind when the will was executed. He had just finished a movie “Night at the Museum”, with Dick Van Dyke. Attorney Augustine claims Mickey had no difficulty in learning his lines and acting through the scenes in the movie.
Most people think Mickey was rich and famous. It turns out he was only famous.