If you have debt, such as credit cards, there is a timeline followed by your creditors in collecting these debts.
Thirty Days
make a payment, you should call the creditor and explain your financial circumstances and advise the creditor when a payment will be forthcoming.
Sixty Days
Ninety Days
Charge Off and Litigation
you with legal action if the debt isn’t paid. Should the collection activity by the collection agency be unsuccessful, your debt may be turned over to a collection lawyer who will institute a lawsuit against you. Should you receive a summons and complaint with regard to the debt, it is important you either go to court and submit a written answer to the summons and complaint or retain counsel to represent you.
There are many myths that people believe regarding bankruptcy that are simply untrue. Should you have questions regarding debt collection activity or bankruptcy issues, feel free to call the Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo. Our office has filed hundreds of bankruptcies and assisted our clients in numerous lawsuits against them regarding alleged debts. Feel free to call us for a free consultation