Preeminent New York City and Long Island Foreclosure Defense Lawyers
Fighting Foreclosures Throughout The Metropolitan New York Area
The Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo is recognized and widely known as one of the preeminent, largest foreclosure defense law firms in the metropolitan New York area. Our law firm has taken legal action involving dozens of foreclosure cases throughout the metropolitan New York area. We have developed a level of expertise that helps us keep homeowners in their homes. Bank lawyers, who handle foreclosures throughout the metropolitan New York area, are aware of our record of aggressive, nuanced, legal representations of our clients.
President Of The Commercial Lawyers Conference Of New York
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. started his career as a creditor’s attorney! As a creditors attorney he represented banks in debtor/creditor related matters for the first 15 years of his career. He rose to a level of success as a creditors attorney representing banks to the point that he was elected the President of the Commercial Lawyers Conference of New York, a creditors Bar Association. After 15 years of representing mostly banks and other financial institutions, Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. changed sides. For the last 20 years, he has only represented homeowners and debtors who are fighting the banks.
Developed Expertise Concerning Representing Debtors
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. and his aggressive dedicated attorneys utilize Elliot’s expertise when defending their numerous clients involved with foreclosure lawsuits.
Getting Foreclosures Cases Dismissed
Elliot has gained a reputation amongst foreclosure lawyers of creating so many problems for the financial institutions that they discontinue the lawsuits completely and leave Elliot’s clients alone.
Tying Up Cases In Court
It is the usual procedure of the Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo to submit numerous Affirmative Defenses and a variety of Counterclaims which tie up foreclosure lawsuits brought by the attorneys for the financial institutions anywhere from 3 – 6 years in the court systems in New York. The reasons for these cases being tied up in court is that we present defenses the attorneys for the financial institutions have difficulty with.
We make discovery demands requesting the production of documents, financial information, records and other material the financial institutions either do not want to produce or are unable to produce because it will show improper and/or fraudulent practices.
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. has been interviewed on numerous occasions by reporters for televisions shows, radio programs and newspapers with regard to his expertise concerning foreclosure defense. He has commented on the lawsuits brought by the US Justice Department and fifty Attorney Generals that have resulted in huge fines for financial institutions. He has explained in these interviews how the financial institutions made billions of dollars and in the end paid small fines in relation to the amount of damage they caused to the American public.
Foreclosure Blog
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. maintains one of the largest foreclosure blog websites in the United States. He has published more than 100 foreclosure and real estate related articles on his blog dealing with the numerous issues consumers, homeowners and financial institutions have been involved with for the past few years. He is recognized throughout the metropolitan New York Area as the knowledgeable expert on all aspects of foreclosure defense. See our foreclosure blog at
Unparalleled Success
Call us for a free consultation at (516) 561-6645, (718) 350-2802 or (800) 344-6431. Our attorneys have had unparalleled success at keeping our clients living in their homes! Our phones are monitored 7 days a week.