Police officers have a job. Part of that job is to enforce traffic regulations. However, there is a financial incentive for municipalities to enforce traffic regulations. People who receive traffic tickets must pay fines. The fines create income for the municipalities.
Speeding Tickets
More than half of all of the traffic tickets given by police officers in the United States are speeding tickets. It is estimated more than $2 billion dollars a year in fines are paid by motorists who drive above the speed limit and get caught.
So how can you avoid speeding tickets? First rule is to avoid standing out in a crowd. If you have a red Porsche or a yellow Corvette you will be noticed by police officers a lot more than an individual driving an SUV.
Speed Traps
Speed traps can be set up using radar, laser devices, special cameras designed to pick up speeders, as well as other types of hidden cameras. In addition, police officers can clock you on a stop watch. Many police officers today are still trained to make visual observations and estimate the speed of motor vehicles.
If Stopped by a Police Officer, What Do You Do?
What you don’t do is mouth off at the police officer. Police Officers are hard working men and women who are doing their job to support their families. When a police officer asks you for your license, registration and insurance card, give it to him. Make no statement to the police officer. Be polite and do not antagonize the police officer. If you antagonize the police officer, he or she may decide to give you more than one traffic ticket.