Mortgage Modification Attorney
Mortgage Modification Lawyer
Brooklyn | Queens | Suffolk County | Nassau County NY
Many homeowners today find they are having financial difficulty in making their mortgage-payments. Almost all banks and mortgage-companies have developed some type of mortgage modification program. These programs involve renegotiating the interest rate on a mortgage, the monthly-mortgage payments, the term of the mortgage or the principal amount due on the mortgage. All of these mortgage modification programs require filling out a variety of applications and submitting various affidavits and financial information to the financial institution.
Representing Homeowners With Difficulties in Meeting their Mortgage Obligations
The Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo has, for many years, represented homeowners with difficulties in meeting their mortgage-obligations. We often find that the mortgage modification process, instead of being an easy way for homeowners to deal with financial difficulties, turns out to be a maze of paperwork and bureaucracy that simply gives lip service to the concept of mortgage modification. Through our efforts, we have helped numerous homeowners modify their mortgages. We protect our client if foreclosure proceedings are commenced and see to it that these proceedings do not move quickly through the court system. On other occasions we advise our clients to file for a bankruptcy while we continue working with the financial institution to restructure their mortgage. We seek to motivate the mortgage-company to modify the mortgage.
Frustrating Mortgage Modification System
The main response we hear from our clients with regard to dealing with the numerous mortgage modification programs that exist is frustration! Frustration with a system that is slow and unresponsive to consumers needs. Frustration caused by financial institutions insisting on repayment of entire mortgage-loans even though the amount of the mortgage far exceeds the value of the residence the mortgage is secured on. Our job as attorneys is to help our clients and simplify this process. We submit the paperwork and applications for our clients and motivate the financial institution to be cooperative.
The ownership of a home is the most important asset for many Americans. We feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when we help a family keep their home out of foreclosure.
Contact An Experienced Mortgage Modification Attorney
Are you frustrated with trying to obtain a mortgage modification? Have you submitted documents to your bank on numerous occasions and gotten the run around? Do you feel your financial institution has acted unfairly with regard to you or ignored your communication with them? Do you have questions concerning any aspects concerning your mortgage and/or your dealing s with your financial institution?
Please contact us. We offer free consultations to our valued clients. Our office has had unparalleled success in representing our clients. Call us at your earliest convenience. Our phones are monitored 7 days a week. Our phone numbers are 1-800-344-6431, 516-561-6645 and 718-350-2802. We are foreclosure defense lawyers who welcome your inquiries. Upon meeting with you, we will examine all the circumstances involved in your case and provide you with a road map for keeping you and your family in your home.
Read our related article: How to Stop Foreclosure