Marriages are made in earth, not in heaven. Sometimes, things made on earth do not work out. If you decide that you wish to get out of your marriage you need to retain a divorce lawyer. But who do you choose? The first thing you should look for in a divorce lawyer is someone you are compatible with. There’s more tho choosing an attorney than their hourly rate, the articles they’ve published, the cases they’ve handled, and their level of success. Your divorce lawyer should be someone that you feel comfortable with. That is not to say your divorce lawyers experience, the size of his or her staff, their availability, their history of publishing on marital related topics, and their rate of success should not be taken into consideration. All these items should be considered by you. But in the end your divorce lawyer needs to be someone you can talk to.
Changing Your Divorce Lawyer
Sometimes, for one reason or another clients feel their relationship with their attorney and the services he or she is providing is not what they want. Even though you currently have a lawyer there is nothing that stops you from discharging an attorney and hiring a new one. As a client you have an absolute right to discharge your lawyer and hire a new lawyer at any time. However, it is usually not a good idea to hire and fire lawyers on a regular basis. To start with, it is expensive and secondly each lawyer you hire needs to bring themselves up to speed with regard to the circumstances and events that have proceeded them in your case.
If you are unhappy with your second divorce lawyer, you can discharge him or her and hire a third divorce lawyer. However as mentioned earlier, this tends to be expensive and sometimes a wasteful enterprise. Lawyers can be concerned that you are an unreasonable client and they may hesitate to get involved in your case.
In conclusion the best advice I can give you with regard to hiring a divorce lawyer is to carefully select a good one from the start.
Elliot S. Schlissel is a matrimonial and family law attorney representing clients throughout the Metropolitan are for more than 45 years.