Domestic violence refers to both physical abuse and mental abuse. It most often occurs when two people are involved in a social or personal relationship and/or are living together. In the State of New York, when domestic violence arises, Orders of Protection can be obtained either from the Criminal Courts or the Family Courts.
Domestic Violence Cases
There are two sides to domestic violence cases. One side involves either having an individual arrested for domestic violence or bringing an application to the Family Court for an Order of Protection to protect a victim of domestic violence. The other side of the coin represents those charged with domestic violence who either committed domestic violence or who are unfairly charged with domestic violence.
In our law firm’s experience, sometimes a client comes to us and we help file a complaint with the police. This causes the other individual to be arrested. Thereafter the victim comes back to us a day or two later and offers to hire us to get the alleged abuser out of jail.
Domestic Violence and Divorce
Our law office has an extensive divorce legal practice. We often have clients who come to us seeking a divorce due to their being involved in an abusive relationship. In those cases it is necessary for us to quickly deal with the economic issues in divorce, custody issues, prepare applications for Orders of Protection, and sometimes help our clients obtain locksmiths to change the locks on their home to make them more secure.
Domestic Violence Can Be Stopped
The cycle of domestic violence can be stopped. Clients who are in troubled relationships require sensitive, dedicated attorneys with experience in dealing with the psychological impact domestic violence can have on a household and how it impacts on even post divorce situations. Our office does everything in our power to help our clients sleep at night and not worry about continued domestic violence and the problems related to their divorce.